Boyne Dam

Boyne Dam

On November 2, 2023, the dam operator submitted a report to FERC on the turbidity readings the operator’s contractor had observed while they were doing maintenance on the dam that included the following two statements: “6) Since Boyne began monitoring turbidity on...

The Manistee River

I have long preferred the soothing and varied tempo of the Manistee River- ‘Spirit of the Woods’ as legend would have it, restores and refreshes me. It’s more popular sister river to the east, The Au Sable, can hold the title/moniker birthplace of...

A Country Divided

Seems like we couldn’t become more divided. The politics, on the news, social media, billboards and radio. We are bombarded by the constant noise from news outlets. I try to avoid it but somehow, it still infests my feed. All this conflict got me thinking about...

Trout Unlimited Member Survey

 Trout Unlimited is looking for your input.  This fairly simple member survey will take you between 15 and 25 minutes. It does not ask you what your median household income is but rather imperative information as to how much you fish, what you choose to fish for and...