by Brian Kozminski | Apr 4, 2013 | Lifestyle, News & Updates
Being involved with Salmon in the Classroom allows me to stay in the loop with various programs Trout Unlimited has for the teachers and instructors to help keep the students interested and involved. Last week I received an email from a TU intern that I found relevant...
by Brian Kozminski | Mar 14, 2013 | Environment, News & Updates, People & Interviews
It is Thursday, lunch hour, I can tell by the smell of either turkey dogs or those pre-formed chicken bites wafting down the hallway. The cubbies and lockers are barely chest high on me, but the sights and smells remind me of my days back in elementary school. There...
by Brian Kozminski | Jan 1, 2013 | Lifestyle, News & Updates
I have been wavering back and forth on whether to write a year end post. After reading so many quality posts from other bloggers, I have even questioned my ability to continue actually writing and posting for TNT. It could be the fact that I have been working crazy...
by Brian Kozminski | Jan 16, 2012 | Environment, Lifestyle
A few years back, Dr. Bryan Burroughs approached me at a state council meeting. There was a different twinkle in his eye, usually I can tell when we have exciting news to exchange, whether it is regarding DNA found in a new state record Brown trout, or the latest...