by Brian Kozminski | Mar 14, 2023 | Gear & Equipment, Lifestyle, News & Updates
Another great year in the books with headliners George Daniel, Landon Mayer, Tim Flagler and Jake Villwock. Ann Miller was on hand with her much anticipated new Midwest Bugs book. You need a copy? Get to your local fly shop and pick one up! The weekend was fairly well...
by Brian Kozminski | Feb 3, 2023 | Environment, News & Updates
CAMP GRAYLING- geographically in between two of the best rivers in the Midwest- The Au Sable and the Manistee Rivers. This has been a very hot topic lately. Many believe this was a quick land grab from the Military Base in Grayling from the DNR. There have been many...
by Brian Kozminski | Jan 30, 2023 | Casting, Lifestyle, News & Updates
As I look outside, the river is slowly meandering, with frosted banks and a high of 8 degrees on Friday, I personally can’t wait for the month of MARCH- It’s Coming!! A little more than a month away, it is time to start making plans to attend the Best Fly...
by Brian Kozminski | Mar 15, 2022 | Lifestyle, News & Updates
We were excited, some of us more exuberant than others. We finally get to attend the F3T after a two year hiatus. Actually, this exact event was the last publicly attended social event we did back in 2020 before we were confined to our domiciles and forced to cook for...
by Brian Kozminski | Jan 6, 2022 | Environment, Lifestyle, News & Updates, Uncategorized
By now, word has spread much like the algal bloom that has made the rock snot a top news concern for trout anglers in Michigan. Didymo confirmed in the Upper Manistee River from November streamer float with water quality specialist Sam Day from LTBBOI. When I first...
by Brian Kozminski | Dec 8, 2021 | Environment, Lifestyle, News & Updates
Catch limit Harvest limit is one. Proposal by the DNR actually the NRC. Which is confusing to me. Many are misled to believe this is DNR generated amendment to the Fisheries Order and often these proposals do have their genesis in a meeting of DNR biologists and NRC...