Well, it is upon us. It’s snow season. Or is it SHOW Season? It’s SHNOW SEASON. As soon as I begin to formulate a few words, I can hear baby Camille cry for me on the monitor. It has been a busy past couple months. With the move to a new house, the holidays, snow like we have yet to experience this decade and the delicate balancing act of two working parents and maintaining a social life, there is little doubt my eyes fall heavy as soon as my head hits the pillow at night. Time to go save my baby.
Fresh diaper, hot cup of coffee, baby is fed and I am back.
This time of the year I am usually tying like a mad man, which has not been the case. The only time I had the chance to bust out the Renzetti was for a Fly Tying tutorial I do with the Salmon in the Classroom kids. I hope to change that soon. I will be in attendance for the 4th Annual Celebration of Fly Tying in Grand Rapids on February 22, 2014. I have yet to dig in my pile of tying materials to decide what couple of flies I should tie. Any suggestions are welcome. Please come out and show you support and or interest of all things fur, feather and foam. There will be a great assembly of some of the Midwest’s best fly tyers on hand. Myself, well, I consider it an honor to be next to the talent of such greats as Ray Schmidt, Chris Helms, Jerry Regan, Bear Andrews, Julie Nielsen and a barrage of other notable tyers from the surrounding area.
Soon after that, we have the Midwest Fly Fishing Expo in Warren Michigan on March 8 & 9, 2014. I shall be there as newly knighted Adipose Ambassador and cheerfully talking to anyone who would like to know a little bit more about one of the best built drift boats for our rivers. In retrospect, I have to thank a few people who helped me make the decision to buy the Adipose Flow. My wife, who always supports me and my passion, Brett Shelagowski, who told me about how awesome they handle in the rivers in Montana (we took macroinvertebrates together at GVSU), and for Dave Karczynski from Midcurrent who assisted with with early public relations after he took me up on the opportunity to float the Jordan with me last spring. Being one of the first guys in Michigan with an Adipose set me apart from the rest, otherwise, I would just be ‘just another guide with a Hyde.’ A Big Thank You to the staff and crew at Adipose Boatworks for taking care of me with all my questions and for their consummate level of professionalism.
A few weeks back I had the chance to float with Chris Engle from the Gaylord, I wrote about our wonderful tree trimming party and here is his take on our adventure in WILD northern MIchigan. Although “JordanShire” is actually Dave Karczynski moniker, this time of the year it more closely resembles Narnia. Most of northern Michigan looks like the lost wardrobe with all the evergreen boughs flocked heavily with white frosted precipitation. We do have a good season ahead of us, this winter shall prove beneficial to our lake and river levels well into the summer.
The Utah Stream Access has been a hot topic as of late, and I got the chance to chat with the good guys over at The Open Fly Podcast to talk about conservation here in Michigan and how Laws like the House Bill 37 in Utah could have an impact on our waters in the future. Listen in and lend your support for the Utah Stream Access Coalition, spread the word, donate $5, every little bit helps.

Like chains for your boots, these studded inserts saved me from falling this record snow shoveling season in Michigan
Next Month~ expect another review on the KORKERS ICEJACK, they have yet to disappoint, especially with all the snow blowing and shoveling I have done this season. As soon as I get a break from the sub arctic windchill, I hope to get a few test runs in on the TOKETEE VEST from UMPQUA. It is loaded with a lot of great features I am sure I will love. Time to get tying.
Tight Lines!
Great post Brian! You need to provide some more details on your Adipose. It sounds like a great boat. Maybe we can meet at the Midwest Fly Fishing Expo.
Another cool show happening in Cincinnati this coming weekend. http://www.buckeyeflyfishers.com/EXPO2014 AK Best is the guest tyer.
Thanks again for the post and keep’m coming – Thanks from a fellow Michiganer
Thanks David! Make sure you stop by and say Hello at the Expo, I would love to chat about my boat. You gave me an idea, never thought about doing a review on my boat, but why not?? I shall get to work on it. Thank you for reading and taking the time to leave a comment. Tight Lines!
Here is a link for you to check out David~