When was the last time you got together with a bunch of cool cats, had a few drinks and tied a fly?
How about tied a fly with a whoopee cushion and beverage koozie? That one may throw you for a slide. That is what IRON FLY is about. Troy Pruett from PIG FARM INK introduces Iron Fly as Iron Chef meets fly tying. Throw in a few flashy drinks, some hip mixes from Brian Wise (Fly Fishing the Ozarks), Brad Bohen (Musky Country Outfitters) and a good combination of men and women who are down with getting it going on with a tying vise, you will get the general idea. What we need is to see more of this, perhaps in the Mitten State.
Some great tyers from across the Midwest make the journey down to Springfield, Missouri for a collaboration of ingenious tying ability.
Check it out…
“Come and get It one more time…
If you wanna loose your mind, Come and Get it.”